My affinity for the written word, and all of the accoutrement that accompany its expression, have been lifelong companions.
My journey into the Stationery Universe began many years ago. Almost as soon as I could read, I was writing. First, small poems. Then, short travelogs about the adventures that my companions (Luke Skywalker and Indiana Jones, if you are curious) along with my indulgent pals from down the street would undertake. Next, onto short stories, followed by a regression to poetry during the tortured teenage years. I then veered into creative non-fiction, which inevitably evolved into journalism… and then a couple of degrees in writing came along, with an attendant career in content marketing.
And through it all? I was buying pens.
OK, pens AND paper. (And stickers and cards and journals and planners and….)
The pens have gotten better and I promise that I no longer chew on them.
The majestic Book Fairs of childhood offered not just tantalizing tomes for my late-night one-more-chapter binging but also diaries that locked and erasers shaped like desserts and clear barrelled pens filled with a tower of miniature colored pencil tips.
The tiny closet-cum-bookstore in my elementary school offered a variety of pencil widths and the latest in erasable pen technology, all waiting to be explored. The local gift and confectionery shop beckoned with a tantalizing array of sticker squares that could be had for only a quarter… many of which were destined for the pages of my sticker trading album. Only the most select earned the honor of placement on my “never trade page” in the back of the book (made of cardstock instead of release paper) and memorably included a holographic rocket ship and a fuzzy pink pig.
Vacations, in addition to providing inspiration for travel writing, offered gift shops with pens that could be tilted at an angle so that the Maid of the Mist would glide towards Niagara Falls or a dolphin could leap in and out of the waves. There were postcards, just waiting for a few quips to be scrawled upon them and sent to loved ones far and near.
August called for a pilgrimage to the local office supply store for the annual back-to-school supply fulfillment. I’d strategically select color-coded binders and notebooks; debate the merits of various writing implements; carefully choose which pencil pouch would best express my uniqueness. I would determine that the Trapper Keeper with the jaunty horse would protect my work and thoughts for the year to come.
I used school supplies as an intentional method of expressing who I was, or who I was becoming. This annual pilgrimage is so ingrained that even now, every August, I feel the pull to purchase new office supplies. Despite the fact that, as a grown up who doesn’t have to justify to my parents why on earth I need another pen, I’ve been buying writing accessories and tools all the livelong year.
For my high school graduation, I was given a glass dip pen that I treasure. But for my workaday needs, for most of my writing life I’ve trended towards gel, rollerball and ballpoint pens. I have my favorites, and they have evolved with me as I have evolved as a writer. There are still some ride-or-dies in my collection, even as my exploration has uncovered new realms of these kinds of pens. But the first time I wrote with a fountain pen I felt like Harry Potter in Ollivander’s when he first picked up the wand destined to be his.
My first pen, a Kaweco Sport Blueberry, changed everything. I was inspired by the sustainability factor of not throwing away so many disposable plastic pens. At first, I thought I’d be content with a pen or two and I likely wouldn’t fall too far down the rabbit hole of pen acquisition. I thought cartridges were efficient and messing with bottled ink seemed unnecessarily complicated and messy. Oh, sweet summer child.
A few good friends kindly showed me the light simply by allowing me to hold their pens. To feel them. To write with them. To feel how writing with a fountain pen encourages the most natural flow of ideas from brain to tool to paper I’ve ever felt. And then I attended my first pen show, the Ohio Pen Show… and joined the subreddits… and started following penfluencers on Insta…. And discovered this entire universe was full, not just of amazing stationery products to explore, but of people who are just like me. Enchanted by the way the light plays on a swatch of ink. Beguiled by the color shifts, chatoyance or sparkles of a hand-crafted pen. The sheer musicality of a well-tuned or custom-ground nib.
This beautiful community, chock full of pen friends waiting to be made. Of fellow explorers.
Since then, I have had the pleasure of attending more shows and even working at some. I’ve had the honor of collaborating on a fountain pen design: The Pleiades. The amazing experience of the collaboration, and the warm reception the pen received from our community, inspired me to step out in faith and open my own little outpost in our universe.
Stationery Universe will feature inky musings and explorations by yours truly as I continue to learn and grow. And the shop will feature a carefully curated selection of stationery items, hand-selected for (and from!) the community I love. The emphasis is on highlighting smaller and independent makers and craftspeople. If you have ideas of items we should carry, I’d be delighted if you shared them! And if you are interested in seeing your items in our shop, I would love to speak with you.
I’m so glad you’re here as we explore the Stationery Universe together.
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