July 30, 2024

Star of Eärendil Shines in New Fountain Pen

According to Middle Earthen lore, the Star of Eärendil is the light that shines in both the morning and the evening. Composed of “wavering flame, pure and bright” it glistens and glimmers in both sunrise and sunset. And Eärendil continues to inspire in the age of modernity. The most distant star ever seen by humankind, WHL0137-LS, is named Earendel after the storied star. From the pages of legend to the farthest corners of observable space, to your very own desk — the starlight of Eärendil shines.

Introducing the Star of Eärendil fountain pen


This limited edition pen, expertly hand turned by Ben Stewart of Mayfair Pens, features the beguiling curves of the Noldor model that beckon the hand. The ethereal, glowing material is custom poured by Tim Crowe from Turnt Pen Company. Tim perfectly captures the spirit of pure starlight in this exclusive material, melding sliver, platinum and light gold into an ethereal glow. The section sparkles with champagne glitter, suspended like stardust in its luminous curve.

Each pen is completed by a Jowo nib, tuned to perfection by Kirk Speer of Pen Realm. The nib features a custom engraving of an eight pointed star. The star, designed by Ben and engraved by Kirk, features a tiny fountain pen nib with a star-shaped breather hole. The nib contains a star which contains a nib which contains a star — representing your writing, illuminated by infinite starlight.

This unique collaboration, exclusive to Stationery Universe, will be available at the Pen Realm table at the DC Pen Show and on our website starting Friday, August 2.

May the luminous light of Eärendil inspire your writing journey!


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